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CMB Research


J. Low Temp. Phys (2015) (S. Oguri et al)
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84, 114502 (2013) (J. Choi et al)
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84, 055116 (2013) (S. Oguri et al)


Nice introduction to CMB (and with my comments is here)
CMB mapping experiments: A designer's guide by M. Tegmark (PRD 56, 4514 (1997))
The Physics of Inflation
Cosmology Part II
An Untrasonic Image of the Embryonic Universe
U of Chicago W Hu
Berkeley CMB pol


ROACH Cryocooler on a rotating system CMB Telescopes and Optical System


SSI 05 Sarah Church (Stanford U) Lecture
SSI 03 Bruce Winstein (U of Chicago) Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lecture 3
Notes by Umut Yildiz Nucleosynthesis Friedmann Universe

General Relativity

GR for Undergraduate from Warwick
GR by Caltech

My own Lectures

Based on Dodelson
Lecture 1 (updated on 2011 March 10)
Lecture 2 (updated on 2011 March 02)
Lecture 3 (updated on 2011 March 02)
Lecture 4 (updated on 2012 Sep. 26)
Lecture 5 (updated on 2011 March 31)
Lecture 6 (updated on 2011 April 20)

Based on Mukhanov using iPad
Lecture 1 (updated on 2011 March 31)
Lecture 2 (updated on 2011 March 31)


CMB Toolbox Overview
Build a Universe


healpy software
healpy doc
Planck Legacy Archive


Scott Dodelson
Ned Wright
Donghui Jeong
George Djorgovski

Compilation of publication of experiments

Planck publication
QUIET publication